New Apps update

Thursday, 10 December 4 hours

The big upgrade is done and we can now concentrate on the next big things: Workers, US Launch and Asset storage. Read all about the changes this new upgrade brought to you in our latest blog entry.

We're done! The new Dashboard has been launched and all our property pages (www, blog, help) are new and shiny as well. Enjoy!

Nearly all New Apps have been restarted now, IPs have changed, but you are using CNAME records, right? Old Apps where not affected. There had been a small downtime from 10 seconds to 10 minutes. That's hopefully it for your New Apps.

Next up is the relaunch/redeployment of all fortrabbit properties (dashboard, blog, help, www), they will go down for up to an hour soon. During that time you will not be able to login to the fortrabbit Dashboard. All other services (App delivery, deployment, …) are expected to work as expected.

Scheduled maintenance is currently in progress. We will provide updates as necessary.

Maintenance will begin as scheduled in 60 minutes.

An update is coming! The BETA period for New Apps is ending. New Apps are becoming general available, scaleable and extensible. An all new design will be launched, new help pages, new features …

The fortrabbit Dashboard will be disabled for around 2 hours during the time frame in the afternoon. New Apps will be restarted during the time frame, approximately 15 minutes of downtime expected. Old Apps will not be affected at all. An extensive blog post will be published later. Updates will be published here and on Twitter. THX!

Began at: