Resolved Ended: 10:39 UTC - 23 April 2020
Degraded performance for deployments in EU
We are monitoring the situation and keep you in the loop.
Resolved Ended: 13:24 UTC - 14 April 2020
Deployment problems
We are looking into connectivity issues with deployment. Can affect Git as well as SFTP and SSH access.
Resolved Ended: 19:32 UTC - 4 April 2020
MySQL connectivity issues for some Apps
We see issues with connecting to MySQL for some Apps, so far only newly created ones.
Complete Ended: 21:08 UTC - 1 April 2020
PHP 7.4 update maintenance in EU
We will roll out a couple of minor updates. Most notable, we will make PHP 7.4 available. Please see our dedicated blog post for more details on versions and...
Complete Ended: 08:27 UTC - 1 April 2020
PHP 7.4 update maintenance in US